Legal Guidelines
- Don't do anything that would be considered illegal. Even if it seemingly has nothing to do with being a vampire [spousal abuse, drug dealing, etc.], you will be excommunicated by the Ministry [vampire community organizers] for misuse of powers.
- Don’t force a Caste or a feeding partner on any individual. Doing so could be construed as illegal.
- I read a letter to the editor in TIME magazine in response to the bestselling book The Secret, which is a combination of a self-help book and scientific evidence of the effectiveness of magic. The letter said something along the lines of 'If we can just wish for anything we want, then why can't the people of Darfur just wish for their leaders to stop massacring them?!!'
My response is this: if you murder a murderer, then he/she will not even have the opportunity to reflect on their actions in a jail cell; and since they won't have that opportunity, they won't fix their karma. In other words, murder a murderer, and he/she will just get reincarnated as another murderer. If you want to fix the world, become a teacher or a social worker or a missionary or a doctor.
- Practice feeding as often as possible so that you’ll know from experience how much you can safely take from an individual at a time.
- Don’t kill anyone except in self-defense, but that shouldn’t be necessary.
- If a vampire slayer goes after you, perform a psychic attack then put both hands on his/her shoulders to drain him/her until he/she can be forced on his/her knees.
- If devils astral project to you to try to talk you into joining them, politely decline.
- If a group summons you, leave immediately because they’re just sucking up to you so that they can use your powers later on.
- If you accidentally pull out the soul of an individual, put all of it back into the individual the same way you took it out. Definitely don’t absorb the soul of either a living individual, or for that matter, don’t bind a disembodied spirit to you or feed on a disembodied spirit. You don’t want to be trapped in a body with someone else.
- In duels, don't duel to the death.
- If a ghost asks you to help him/her, guide him/her out of this dimension by getting him/her to ask a deceased love one who has passed on, how to pass on.
- When the individual you are feeding on starts getting a headache, nauseous, or the like, stop immediately. He/she will be fine, but you might want to recommend food, a drink, or a nap so he/she regains energy faster.
- Don’t feed on an individual while he/she is standing up because he/she could very well fall face-forward.
- Unless you’re absolutely sure you want to run into an individual for future lives to come, don’t deep feed
[pressing energy deeper and deeper into each others’ bodies until you both push beyond the physical bodies and feel like you’re melting into each other and the ambiance temperature gets noticeably warmer].