House Twilight Playground
Future Plans
When me and James Y. get situated [we've both just recently moved to Saint Augustine, Florida],
he plans on giving classes on metaphysical matters
and I plan on leading rituals.
The rituals will be videotaped and posted on this website. :)
In order to join the House, I ask you to agree to the following statements…
- Being an otherkin [non-human] is a condition that otherkin are born with [vampires actually needing lifeforce energy].
- Otherkin are incarnated as the same kind of creature every time they are reincarnated.
- You at least entertain the possibility that vampires had temples in Ancient Egypt where they practiced the vampire ways. [This is very important to vampires culturally.]
- Otherkin are just as noble as other otherkin whether they feed on energy or the energy in blood.
- Non-vampires who are members of the House are deserving of just as much respect as vampire members.
If you are interested, send an e-mail to with House Membership in the subject line answering the following questions…
- What name would you like to be referred to as?
- Are you a vampire, might think you are a vampire, a human, or another creature [specify]?
- Do you feed on energy or blood?
- What state [if in the U.S.] or country do you live in? [Provide the city if you feel comfortable doing so.]
- What metaphysical practices are you interested or active in [spellcasting, hypnosis, yoga, therapeutic massage, meditation, martial arts, etc.]?
- What appeals to you about House Twilight Playground in particular?